Custom Calligraphy Letters from Santa and Nice List Certificates

Calligraphy Letters from Santa and Personalized Nice List Certificates

Letters from Santa and Nice List Certificates have arrived in the shop! I cannot think of a better way to add some extra magic to Christmas for your kiddos! Just think of the excitement they will have when they receive a giant red envelope in the mail addressed to them in calligraphy with cute holiday postage sent directly from the North Pole!


The Details

The letters are done on 5.5 x 8 linen “Santa Stationery” designed and painted by Roc Pen and Ink ! Each letter can be personalized with the recipients achievements from this past year. The letters will be written in an easier-to-read calligraphy style in gold ink, each one done by hand and fully customized to the recipient! If you would like to provide the exact wording for your letter that is possible too! If not, I will incorporate your highlighted accomplishments into a very jolly letter!

The Delivery

Christmas envelope calligraphy , envelope addressing , vintage holiday postage

The letters will be enclosed in a bright red envelope that is hand addressed in my calligraphy in gold and white ink. Each envelope will have a combination of vintage and current holiday themed postage to add that extra special Christmas feel! The backside of the envelope will be return addressed from Santa and will be sealed with an “Official North Pole mail” wax seal. Unless specified the letter will be mailed directly to the recipient.

If you would like your child’s letter delivered directly to you for placement with their stocking on Christmas morning or to be delivered by their Elf, please let me know and we can arrange that! In this case, you would still receive the letters in a red envelope with your child’s name and a note saying “delivered via Jingle the Elf”, etc.

The Nice List Certificate

Custom Nice List Certificates , calligraphy name , wax seal, watercolor stationery, Santa letter

There is an option in the shop to add a Nice List Certificate! The Certificates were also designed and painted by Roc Pen and Ink! Each certificate will be personalized in gold calligraphy with the recipients name. The certificates are signed by Santa and Bernard, his Head Elf, in gold calligraphy. The certificates will also be sealed on the bottom with a Santa Claus monogram wax seal. The Certificates are a perfect addition to the letter!

Order the letters and certificates in the Shop! There is only a limited number of each so grab yours while you can!

Both the letter and certificate are a great way to remind your recipient of the magic of the Holiday season! As always, if you have any questions please email me directly!